Monday, July 22, 2013

Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Command Keystroke
Absolute/relative/mixed reference F4
AutoSum Alt =
Bold Ctrl-B
Border lines off Ctrl-Shift _
Border lines on Ctrl-Shift &
Calculate active sheet Shift-F9
Calculate all worksheets F9
Close Ctrl-W
Collapse selection to active cell Shift-Backspace
Comment insert/edit Shift-F2
Copy Ctrl-C
Copy formula from cell above Ctrl '
Copy value from cell above Ctrl-Shift "
Cut Ctrl-X
Date Ctrl ;
Delete range Ctrl -
Delete to end of line Ctrl-Del
Show values/formulas Ctrl `
Edit cell F2
Enter formula as array Ctrl-Shift-Enter
Fill down Ctrl-D
Fill right Ctrl-R
Find Ctrl-F
Format commas (2 decimal places) Ctrl-Shift !
Format currency (2 decimal places) Ctrl-Shift $
Format date (day, month, year) Ctrl-Shift #
Format exponential number (2 decimal places) Ctrl-Shift ^
Format general number Ctrl-Shift ~
Format percentage (0 decimal places) Ctrl-Shift %
Format time (hour and minute) Ctrl-Shift @
Formula =
Function Wizard Shift-F3
GoTo Ctrl-G
Group row/column Alt-Shift-Right
Hard Return in cell Alt-Enter
Hide selected column(s) Ctrl-0 (zero)
Hide selected row(s) Ctrl-9
Insert chart sheet F11
Insert Function components Ctrl-Shift-A
Insert range Ctrl-Shift-Plus
Insert worksheet Shift-F11
Italics Ctrl-I
Menu bar F10
Move between noncontiguous selections Ctrl-Alt-Left/Right
Move left/right one screen Alt-PgUp/PgDn
Move to beginning of worksheet Ctrl-Home
Move to edge of region Ctrl-Arrow
Move to end of row End, Enter
Move to end of worksheet Ctrl-End
Move to next corner of selection Ctrl .
Move up through a selection Shift-Enter
Name a range (Insert/Name/Create) Ctrl-Shift-F3
Name a range (Insert/Name/Define) Ctrl-F3
New Ctrl-N
Next window Ctrl-F6
Next worksheet Ctrl-PgUp
Open Ctrl-O
Outline symbols display/hide Ctrl-8
Paste Ctrl-V
Paste named range (Insert/Name/Paste) F3
Previous window Ctrl-Shift-F6
Previous worksheet Ctrl-PgDn
Print Ctrl-P
Repeat Find Shift-F4
Repeat/Redo Ctrl-Y
Replace Ctrl-H
Save Ctrl-S
Save As F12
Scroll to display active cell Ctrl-Backspace
Select array to which active cell belongs Ctrl /
Select cells directly referred to by selected formula Ctrl [
Select cells referred to by selected formula Ctrl-Shift {
Select cells with comments Ctrl-Shift ?
Select column Ctrl-spacebar
Select current region Ctrl-Shift *
Select formulas that directly refer to active cell Ctrl ]
Select formulas that refer to active cell Ctrl-Shift }
Select objects on worksheet Ctrl-Shift-spacebar
Select row Shift-spacebar
Select to beginning of row Shift-Home
Select to beginning of worksheet Ctrl-Shift-Home
Select to edge of region Ctrl-Shift-(Arrow)
Select to end of row End, Shift-Enter
Select to end of worksheet Ctrl-Shift-End
Select visible cells in selection Alt ;
Select worksheet Ctrl-A
Shortcut menu Shift-F10
Spelling and Grammar check F7
Strikethrough on/off Ctrl-5
Style box Alt '
Tab inserted Ctrl-Alt-Tab
Time Ctrl-Shift-Colon
Underline Ctrl-U
Undo Ctrl-Z
Ungroup row/column Alt-Shift-Left
Unhide column(s) Ctrl-Shift )
Unhide row(s) Ctrl-Shift (

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