Thursday, July 4, 2013

Windows XP Run Commands and Shortcut Keys

Windows XP Run Commands and Shortcut Codes

Run Commands

Microsoft Office run commands:
  • winword –> Microsoft Word
  • excel –> Microsoft Excel
  • powerpnt –> Microsoft PowerPoint
  • msaccess –> Microsoft Access
  • outlook –> Microsoft Outlook
  • ois –> Microsoft Picture Manager

Run commands:
  • accwiz –> Accessibility Wizard
  • c: –> C: Drive
  • calc –> Calculator
  • Run DCOM User Security cfgwiz32 –> ISDN Configuration Wizard
  • cleanmgr –> Clean up hard drives
  • cliconfg –> SQL Client Configuration
  • clipbrd –> Windows Clipboard viewer
  • cmd –> Open a new Command Window (cmd.exe)
  • cmd /ipconfig –> Show IP Config
  • cmd /k hostname –> Show hostname
  • comp –> Compare Files
  • control –> Control Panel
  • control admintools –> Administrative Tools
  • control color –> Display Properties (Appearance tab) DCOM User Security control desktop –> Display Properties (Themes tab)
  • control folders –> Folders Properties
  • control fonts –> Fonts
  • control keyboard –> Keyboard Properties
  • control mouse –> Mouse Properties
  • control netconnections –> Network Connections
  • control printers –> Printers and Faxes
  • control schedtasks –> Scheduled Tasks
  • dcomcnfg –> DCOM user security
  • ddeshare –> DDE Shares
  • debug –> Assembly language programming tool
  • defrag –> Defragmentation tool
  • diskpart –> Disk Partition Manager
  • drwatson –> Record program crash & snapshots
  • drwtsn32 –> Dr.Watson System Troubleshooting Utility
  • dxdiag –> DirectX Diagnostic Utility
  • edit –> MS-Dos Editor
  • eudcedit –> Private Character Editor
  • explorer –> Windows Explorer
  • Run Performance Monitor fonts –> Fonts Folder
  • fontview –> Graphical font viewer
  • freecell –> Free Cell Card Game
  • fsquirt –> Bluetooth Transfer Wizard
  • ftp –> ftp.exe program
  • helpctr –> Help and Suppport
  • hostname –> Return Computer's name
  • hypertrm –> Hyperterminal
  • charmap –> Character Map
  • chkdsk –> Repair damaged files
  • iexplore –> Windows Internet Explorer
  • Performance Monitor iexpress –> Iexpress Wizard
  • inetwiz –> Internet Setup Wizard
  • jview –> Microsoft Command-line Loader for Java classes
  • logoff –> Log Out Of Windows
  • magnify –> Windows Magnifier
  • migwiz –> Files and Settings Transfer Tool
  • mmc –> Microsoft Management Console
  • mobsync –> Microsoft Syncronization Tool
  • moviemk –> Microsoft Movie Maker
  • mrt –> Malicious Software Removal Tool
  • msconfig –> Configuration to edit startup files
  • mshearts –> Hearts Card Game
  • msimn –> Outlook Express
  • msinfo32 –> Microsoft System Information Utility
  • mstsc –> Remote Desktop
  • narrator –> Microsoft Narrator
  • nbtstat –> Display stats and current connections using NetBios over TCP/IP
  • Run Object Packagernetstat –> Display all active network connections
  • notepad –> notepad
  • nslookup –> Return your local DNS server
  • odbcad32 –> ODBC Data Source Administrator
  • osk –> On Screen Keyboard
  • packager –> Object Packager
  • pbrush –> Paint
  • perfmon –> Performance Monitor
  • pinball –> Pinball Game
  • ping –> Send data to a specified host/IP
  • printers –> Printers Folder
  • Object Packagerregedit –> Registry Editor
  • regsvr32 –> Register/de-register DLL/OCX/ActiveX
  • regwiz –> Registration wizard
  • rtcshare –> Sharing Session
  • sfc /cachesize=x –> System File Checker (Set Cache Size to size x)
  • sfc /purgecache –> System File Checker (Purge File Cache)
  • sfc /revert –> System File Checker (Return to Default Setting)
  • sfc /scanboot –> System File Checker (Scan On Every Boot)
  • sfc /scannow –> System File Checker (Scan Immediately)
  • sfc /scanonce –> System File Checker (Scan Once At Next Boot)
  • shell:recyclebinfolder –> Open Recycle Bin
  • shrpubw –> Create a shared folder Wizard
  • shutdown –> Shuts Down Windows
  • sigverif –> File Signature Verification Tool
  • sndrec32 –> Sound Recorder
  • Run Windows Update Managersndvol32 –> Volume control for soundcard
  • spider –> Spider Solitare Card Game
  • sysedit –> Edit system startup files (config.sys, autoexec.bat, win.ini, etc.)
  • syskey –> Windows System Security Tool
  • systeminfo –> Display various system information in text console
  • taskkill –> Kill processes using command line interface
  • taskmgr –> Task manager
  • tcptest –> TCP Tester
  • telnet –> Telnet program
  • Windows Update Managertracert –> Trace and display all paths required to reach an internet host
  • tskill –> Reduced version of Taskkill from Windows XP Home
  • utilman –> Utility Manager
  • verifier –> Driver Verifier Utility
  • wab –> Windows Address Book
  • wabmig –> Windows Address Book Import Utility
  • winchat –> Simple chat program for Windows networks
  • winipcfg –> Display IP configuration
  • winmine –> Minesweeper Game
  • winver –> Windows Version
  • wmplayer –> Windows Media Player
  • wordpad –> Wordpad
  • wscript –> Windows Script host settings
  • wupdmgr –> Windows Update

IP Configuration:
  • ipconfig /all –> Display Connection Configuration
  • Display Connection Configuration ipconfig /displaydns –> Display DNS Cache Contents
  • ipconfig /flushdns –> Delete DNS Cache Contents
  • ipconfig /registerdns –> Refresh DHCP and Re-register DNS
  • ipconfig /release –> Release All Connections
  • ipconfig /renew –> Renew All Connections
  • ipconfig /setclassid –> Modify DHCP Class ID
  • ipconfig /showclassid –> Display DHCP Class ID

Management Console:
  • certmgr.msc –> Certificate Manager
  • Open Certificate Manager 1ciadv.msc –> Indexing Service
  • compmgmt.msc –> Computer Management
  • devmgmt.msc –> Device Manager
  • dfrg.msc –> Disk Defragmenter
  • diskmgmt.msc –> Disk Management
  • eventvwr.msc –> Event Viewer
  • fsmgmt.msc –> Folder Sharing Management
  • gpedit.msc –> Group Policy (XP Pro only)
  • iis.msc –> Internet Information Services
  • Certificate Managerlusrmgr.msc –> Local Users and Groups
  • mscorcfg.msc –> Net Configurations
  • ntmsmgr.msc –> Removable Storage
  • ntmsoprq.msc –> Removable Storage Operator Requests
  • perfmon.msc –> Performance Manager
  • rsop.msc –> Resultant Set of Policy (XP Pro only)
  • secpol.msc –> Local Security Policy
  • services.msc –> System Services
  • wmimgmt.msc –> Windows Management
Windows Environment Commands:
  • %AllUsersProfile% –> Open All User's Profile
  • %AppData% –> Open Application Data folder of the logged-in user
  • %CommonProgramFiles% –> Open Common Files directory
  • %ComSpec% –> Display full path to the command processor (cmd.exe)
  • %HomeDrive% –> Open home drive e.g. C:\
  • %HomePath% –> Open user’s home folder
  • %LogonServer% –> Display logon server credentials
  • %ProgramFiles% –> Open Program Files directory (installed programs of Windows and others)
  • %SystemDrive% –> Open the drive where the system folder is placed
  • %SystemRoot% –> Open Windows folder
  • %Temp% –> Open Temporary File folder
  • %UserProfile% –> Open User's Profile
  • %WinDir% –> Open Windows directory

access.cpl –> Accessibility Options
Open Mouse Propertiesappwiz.cpl –> Add/Remove Programs
desk.cpl –> Display Properties
directx.cpl –> Direct X Control Panel
firewall.cpl –> Firewall Settings (sp2)
hdwwiz.cpl –> Add New Hardware Wizard
inetcpl.cpl –> Internet Properties
intl.cpl –> Regional Settings
joy.cpl –> Joystick Properties
main.cpl –> Mouse Properties
Mouse Propertiesmain.cpl keyboard –> Keyboard Properties
mmsys.cpl –> Sounds and Audio Device Properties
mmsys.cpl sounds –> Sound Properties
ncpa.cpl –> Network Connections
ncpl.cpl –> Network Properties
netsetup.cpl –> Network Setup Wizard
nusrmgr.cpl –> User Settings
odbccp32.cpl –> ODBC Data Source Administrator
powercfg.cpl –> Power Management
sysdm.cpl –> System Properties
telephon.cpl –> Phone and Modem Options
timedate.cpl –> Date and Time Properties
wscui.cpl –> Security Center (sp2)

General keyboard shortcuts:
  • ALT+E –> Edit Menu
  • ALT+ENTER –> Display the properties of the selected object
  • ALT+ENTER –> View the properties for the selected item
  • ALT+ESC –> Cycle through items in the order they were opened
  • ALT+F –> File Menu
  • ALT+F4 –> Close the active item/Quit the active program/Bring up power/sleep dialog box
  • ALT+SPACEBAR –> Display the System menu for the active window
  • ALT+SPACEBAR –> Open the shortcut menu for the active window
  • ALT+TAB –> Switch between the open items
  • ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name –> Display the corresponding menu
  • ALT+V –> View Menu
  • BACKSPACE –> View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer
  • CTRL while dragging an item –> Copy the selected item
  • CTRL+A –> Select all
  • CTRL+C –> Copy
  • CTRL+DOWN ARROW –> Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
  • CTRL+ESC –> Display the Start menu
  • CTRL+F –> Find text
  • CTRL+F4 –> Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously
  • CTRL+H –> Find and replace text
  • CTRL+LEFT ARROW –> Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
  • CTRL+P –> Print
  • CTRL+RIGHT ARROW –> Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
  • CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item –> Create a shortcut to the selected item
  • CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys –> Highlight a block of text
  • CTRL+SHIFT+ESC –> Open Task Manager
  • CTRL+UP ARROW –> Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
  • CTRL+V –> Paste
  • CTRL+X –> Cut
  • CTRL+Y –> Redo undone
  • CTRL+Z –> Undo
  • DELETE –> Delete
  • ESC –> Cancel the current task
  • F10 key –> Activate the menu bar in the active program
  • F2 key –> Rename the selected item
  • F3 key –> Search for a file or a folder
  • F4 key –> Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer
  • F5 key –> Update the active window
  • F6 key –> Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop
  • LEFT ARROW –> Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu
  • order that they had been opened
  • RIGHT ARROW –> Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu
  • SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive –> Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing
  • SHIFT with any of the arrow keys –> Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document
  • SHIFT+ALT –> Toggle among installed keyboard languages
  • SHIFT+DELETE –> Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin
  • SHIFT+END –> Highlights from current position to end of line
  • SHIFT+F10 –> Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
  • SHIFT+HOME –> Highlights from current position to beginning of line
  • Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu –> Perform the corresponding command

Dialog box keyboard shortcuts:

If you press SHIFT+F8 in extended selection list boxes, you enable extended selection mode. In this mode, you can use an arrow key to move a cursor without changing the selection. You can press CTRL+SPACEBAR or SHIFT+SPACEBAR to adjust the selection. To cancel extended selection mode, press SHIFT+F8 again. Extended selection mode cancels itself when you move the focus to another control.

  • ALT+Underlined letter –> Perform the corresponding command or select the corresponding option
  • Arrow keys –> Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons
  • BACKSPACE –> Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box
  • CTRL+SHIFT+TAB –> Move backward through the tabs
  • CTRL+TAB –> Move forward through the tabs
  • ENTER –> Perform the command for the active option or button
  • F1 key –> Display Help
  • F4 key –> Display the items in the active list
  • SHIFT+TAB –> Move backward through the options
  • SPACEBAR –> Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box
  • TAB –> Move forward through the options

Microsoft natural keyboard shortcuts:
  • Windows logo key –> Display/Hide the Start menu
  • CTRL+Windows logo key+F –> Search for computers
  • Windows logo key+L –> Lock the keyboard/computer
  • Windows logo key+BREAK –> Display the System Properties dialog box
  • Windows logo key+D –> Display the desktop
  • Windows logo key+E –> Open My Computer
  • Windows logo key+F –> Search for a file or a folder
  • Windows logo key+F1 –> Display Windows Help
  • Windows logo key+M –> Minimize all windows
  • Windows logo key+R –> Open Run dialog box
  • Windows logo key+SHIFT+M –> Restore minimized windows
  • Windows logo key+U –> Open Utility Manager

Accessibility keyboard shortcuts:
  • Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK –> Switch the MouseKeys either on or off
  • Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN –> Switch High Contrast either on or off
  • NUM LOCK for five seconds –> Switch the ToggleKeys either on or off
  • Right SHIFT for eight seconds –> Switch FilterKeys either on or off
  • SHIFT five times –> Switch the StickyKeys either on or off
  • Windows Logo +U –> Open Utility Manager

Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts:
  • END –> Display the bottom of the active window
  • HOME –> Display the top of the active window
  • NUM LOCK+Asterisk sign (*) –> Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder
  • NUM LOCK+Plus sign (+) –> Display the contents of the selected folder
  • NUM LOCK+Minus sign (-) –> Collapse the selected folder
  • LEFT ARROW –> Collapse the current selection if it is expanded, or select the parent folder
  • RIGHT ARROW –> Display the current selection if it is collapsed, or select the first subfolder

Shortcut keys for Character Map:

After you double-click a character on the grid of characters, you can move through the grid by using the keyboard shortcuts,
  • CTRL+END –> Move to the last character
  • CTRL+HOME –> Move to the first character
  • DOWN ARROW –> Move down one row
  • END –> Move to the end of the line
  • HOME –> Move to the beginning of the line
  • LEFT ARROW –> Move to the left or to the end of the previous line
  • PAGE DOWN –> Move down one screen at a time
  • PAGE UP –> Move up one screen at a time
  • RIGHT ARROW –> Move to the right or to the beginning of the next line
  • SPACEBAR –> Switch between Enlarged and Normal mode when a character is selected
  • UP ARROW –> Move up one row

Microsoft Management Console (MMC) main window keyboard shortcuts:
  • ALT+A –> Display the Action menu
  • ALT+F –> Display the File menu
  • ALT+F4 –> Close the console
  • ALT+O –> Display the Favorites menu
  • ALT+SPACEBAR –> Display the MMC window menu
  • ALT+V –> Display the View menu
  • CTRL+M –> Add or remove a console item
  • CTRL+N –> Open a new console
  • CTRL+O –> Open a saved console
  • CTRL+S –> Save the open console
  • CTRL+W –> Open a new window
  • F5 key –> Update the content of all console windows

MMC console window keyboard shortcuts:

  • ALT+ENTER –> Display the Properties dialog box, if any, for the selected item
  • ALT+Minus sign (-) –> Display the window menu for the active console window
  • CTRL+F10 –> Maximize the active console window
  • CTRL+F4 –> Close the active console window. When a console has only one console window, this shortcut closes the console
  • CTRL+F5 –> Restore the active console window
  • F1 key –> Open the Help topic, if any, for the selected item
  • F2 key –> Rename the selected item
  • F5 key –> Update the content of all console windows
  • SHIFT+F10 –> Display the Action shortcut menu for the selected item

Remote desktop connection navigation
  • ALT+DELETE –> Display the Windows menu
  • ALT+HOME –> Display the Start menu
  • ALT+INSERT –> Cycle through the programs in most recently used order
  • ALT+PAGE DOWN –> Switch between programs from right to left
  • ALT+PAGE UP –> Switch between programs from left to right
  • CTRL+ALT+BREAK –> Switch the client computer between a window and a full screen
  • CTRL+ALT+END –> Open the Microsoft Windows NT Security dialog box
  • CTRL+ALT+Minus sign (-) –> Place a snapshot of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing ALT+PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.
  • CTRL+ALT+Plus sign (+) –> Place a snapshot of the active window in the client on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.

Microsoft Internet Explorer navigation:
  • CTRL+B –> Open the Organize Favorites dialog box
  • CTRL+CTRL+P –> Open the Print dialog box
  • CTRL+E –> Open the Search bar
  • CTRL+F –> Start the Find utility
  • CTRL+H –> Open the History bar
  • CTRL+I –> Open the Favorites bar
  • CTRL+L –> Open the Open dialog box
  • CTRL+N –> Start another instance of the browser with the same Web address
  • CTRL+O –> Open the Open dialog box, the same as CTRL+L
  • CTRL+R –> Update the current Web page
  • CTRL+W –> Close the current window

Some useful ALT codes:
  • ALT+0145 –> Open curly single quote
  • ALT+0146 –> Close curly single quote
  • ALT+0147 –> Open curly double quote
  • ALT codes shotALT+0148 –> Close curly double quote
  • ALT+0151 –> Long Dash/Hyphen
  • ALT+0161 –> Inverted exclamation mark
  • ALT+0191 –> Inverted question mark
  • ALT+21 –> Paragraph
  • ALT+33 –> Exclamation mark
  • ALT+34 –> Quotation mark
  • ALT+38 –> Ampersand
  • ALT+39 –> Apostrophe
  • ALT+40 –> Open bracket
  • ALT+41 –> Close bracket
  • ALT+42 –> Asterisk
  • ALT+44 –> Comma
  • ALT+45 –> Dash/Hyphen
  • ALT+46 –> Full Stop
  • ALT+47 –> Slash
  • ALT+58 –> Colon
  • ALT+59 –> Semi-Colon
  • ALT+63 –> Question mark
  • ALT+64 –> @ sign
  • ALT+91 –> Open square bracket
  • ALT+92 –> Backslash
  • ALT+93 –> Close square bracket
  • ALT+123 –> Open curly bracket
  • ALT+125 –> Close curly bracket

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