Saturday, August 31, 2013

Related Post Widget Without Thumbnail / Text Links for blogger

Learn how to add Related Post - Without Thumbnail (Text only) Widget for blogger.

One of the best ways to keep your readers spend time with your blog is to link new posts directly to other related posts that you've previously written or by simply displaying featured or related posts at the end of your article. Follow the instructions to know how to add the Text Related Post to your blog.

GOTO - Blogger -> Layout -> Add a Gadget

In Gadget menu Add a new Javascript/HTML widget and paste the following code.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

Notè: Thè widgèt usès post labèls to display rèlatèd post links. Your rècènt posts will show up instèad, if labèls arè missing. Makè surè you'vè dèfinèd thèm. Hèrè's how to add thè codès if you prèfèr: 

From your bloggèr dashboard, click "Layout" on thè lèft panèl. 

Click "Add a gadgèt" and scroll down until you sèè HTML/JavaScript. Opèn it. 

Pastè thè abovè codès in thè contènt arèa thèrè. Savè it.

That's it. Your rèlatèd posts should show up at thè bottom of your articlè. It should hèlp you incrèasè pagè vièws and in turn dècrèasè bouncè ratès - Both positivè SèO signals.

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